20-22 февраля 2018 доктор Субботин посетил город Льеж (Бельгия) и прошел курс погружения в новую технологию лечения рака яичников, шейки матки и тела матки "Ретроперитонеальная параортальная лимфаденэктомия" профессора Kridelka в Medtronic Clincial Immersion.
Medtronic Clincial Immersion: Retroperitoneal paraortic lymphadenectomy ( Prof Kridelka)
Malignant gynecology surgery program
General organization 3-4 gynecologists or surgeons.
DAY 1:
Scientific Dinner (19.00 – 22.30 h)
Discussion on latest literature on gynecological procedures (retroperitoneal paraortic lymphadectomy)
Daily timing
DAY 2:
7:30: Welcome
7:45: Activity profile of the department and SBS (step by step) surgical philosophy
7:50: Operative cases of the day and SBS approach
8:30: Case 1
11.00: Theory and practical tips: installation, patient and trocar position, security steps
12:30: Lunch
13:30: Case 2
15:30: Debriefing of the day:
Postoperative review
Comment on surgical techniques (pros & cons)
16:30: End of the day
DAY 3:
7:30: Welcome and presentation patient cases day 2
8:30: Case 1
11.00: Theory and discussion anatomical landmarks
12:30: Lunch
13:00: Case 2
15:30: Debriefing of the 2 days.
Patient pathway improvement points.
16:30: End of the day
Medtronic Clincial Immersion: Retroperitoneal paraortic lymphadenectomy ( Prof Kridelka)
Malignant gynecology surgery program
General organization 3-4 gynecologists or surgeons.
DAY 1:
Scientific Dinner (19.00 – 22.30 h)
Discussion on latest literature on gynecological procedures (retroperitoneal paraortic lymphadectomy)
Daily timing
DAY 2:
7:30: Welcome
7:45: Activity profile of the department and SBS (step by step) surgical philosophy
7:50: Operative cases of the day and SBS approach
8:30: Case 1
11.00: Theory and practical tips: installation, patient and trocar position, security steps
12:30: Lunch
13:30: Case 2
15:30: Debriefing of the day:
Postoperative review
Comment on surgical techniques (pros & cons)
16:30: End of the day
DAY 3:
7:30: Welcome and presentation patient cases day 2
8:30: Case 1
11.00: Theory and discussion anatomical landmarks
12:30: Lunch
13:00: Case 2
15:30: Debriefing of the 2 days.
Patient pathway improvement points.
16:30: End of the day